Sample Testing

Monofloral Signature

This is when a nectar source the honey bees have collected is dominant in the honey. Using HPTLC the non-sugar component of the honey which contains the phenolics, shows a signature that can be related to the nectar source. These signatures have been registered on the HPTLC Atlas ( so that any laboratory in the world can check a claim. The methodology is published at;

  • HPTLC fingerprints (Nectar Signature)
  • Fructose and Glucose content

CODEX honey tests

The Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) is the international food standards-setting body established by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization. The honey standard is outlined

  • Moisture content
  • Fructose and Glucose content (sum of both)
  • Water Insoluble
  • Solids content
  • Sucrose content
  • Electrical Conductivity
  • Free Acidity
  • Diastase Activity
  • 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural content

US Pharmacopeia (USP)

USP is dedicated to helping improve global health through standards setting in compounding, biologics, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other fields.

  • Moisture Content
  • USP L-Proline Reference Standards
  • Water Insoluble Solids Content
  • Specific Gravity
  • Refractive Index
  • Chloride Limit
  • Sulphate Limit
  • Microbial Limits

Honey pollen analysis

More information coming soon.

  • Honey
  • BQUAL records
  • Pollen Signature
  • HPTLC fingerprints (Nectar Signature)
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