In development

Y-Trace is commercialising three products from the CRC for Honey Bee Products to contribute to the sustainability of the industry. Propolis cleaning and characterisation are also being added as a service for the industry. If you would like to partner with us, please contact us.


The real-time assessment of the brood bacterial disease, American Foulbrood (AFB) is being finalised for commercialisation. Already the science is complete and protected with two patents.

Interested in joining the commercialisation journey, please contact Y-Trace.


Apiary site movement decisions can be challenging, especially in times of drought. B-Spatial is an add-on to B-QUAL and provides information on melliferous flowering species within the sub-biogeographical area, their flowering times and nutritional value to the honey bee, the burn scar over time and the last two years’ rainfall data. This is a personal-use database to build up your knowledge of each of your apiary sites or to find new ones if the need arises. Your B-QUAL data can be linked into this program so that you can look back at your notes from previous visits to the apiary sites. To keep the burn-scar and weather data relevant each year, this program will need to be updated and hence will remain on continuous improvement.

Propolis Cleaning

Y-Trace offers propolis processing and the preparation of propolis tinctures to a set concentration, turning your propolis into a commercial product.

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